
About Benchmark Simulations (.pdf, ~900kb)

MHT: The Multiple Hypothesis Tracker (MHT) is recognized as the workhorse algorithm in most target tracking systems. Vectraxx has worked with Raytheon's Blackman MHT, which is a track-oriented approach. Vectraxx's work with the Blackman MHT occurred on two efforts under Project Hercules. They also assisted Georgia Tech with developing a hypothesis-oriented MHT for use in the Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) Benchmark.

PMHT: The Probabilistic Multi-Hypothesis Tracker (PMHT) was developed by Roy Streit and Tod Luginbuhl in the early 1990s. Vectraxx employees have been actively researching and enhancing various forms of the PMHT since 1996. The PMHT has been implemented in the Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) Benchmark as a distributed composite tracker for MDA under a Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) effort in 2005-2010. This work furthered the development of the Multiple Frame PMHT (MF-PMHT). In addition, Vectraxx utilized the PMHT to assist a genealogy function with finding the separation point of objects from a ballistic missile. Vectraxx's latest research has led to the development of a new algorithm, the Maximum Likelihood, Histogram PMHT (ML-HPMHT). This new algorithm detects and tracks unresolved dim targets in densely cluttered environments. The early results with the ML-HPMHT (.pdf download, ~350kb)are showing very promising results which include sub-pixel accuracy and efficient track management.

BMD: The Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) Benchmark is the simulation environment of choice for the Missile Defense National Team for Algorithms (MDNT-B). Since 2004, Vectraxx has supported Georgia Tech in beta testing the BMD Benchmark and providing key analysis for the Missile Defense Agency's (MDA) BC Assessment Team (BSAT). Vectraxx's experience with the BMD Benchmark includes infrastructure support for the scenarios, implementing new sensor models, and integrating test articles. Vectraxx wrote the course materials for integrating test articles into the BMD Benchmark for the User Training. As the leader of beta testing, Vectraxx holds a position on the Configuration Control Board (CCB) for the BMD Benchmark.

SIAP: Achieving a coherent and consistent Single Integrated Air Picture (SIAP) is the goal of any target tracking system that has more than one track database. Vectraxx has conducted extensive work on SIAP issues, beginning with the MHT work with Raytheon. This implemented a distributed composite MHT within the BMD Benchmark. The strategies and techniques developed on this effort were also applied to a similar implementation with the PMHT.

Genealogy: As targets discard/separate objects that are no longer needed, the family history of the objects and their associated tracks is often desired. Vectraxx has developed a kinematic-based genealogy function by incorporating the PMHT to determine the exact separation point in time and space. This cutting-edge, state-of-the-art algorithm was developed and tested for the Missile Defense Agency (MDA), but could also be applied to other areas and situations.
